Ladies' Book Club: November 5, 2016

The next meeting of the Ladies' Book Club will be held on Saturday, November 5. We will begin at 2:00 p.m. with fellowship and refreshments followed by a discussion of Dr. Horton's book Pilgrim Theology, "The Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting, chapter 19".   This will be our last meeting of the year and our final chapter in Pilgrim Theology.  All ladies are invited to attend the book club regardless of how much you’ve been able to read.  If you plan to attend this last meeting of the year you must RSVP by sending a note to the church office ( no later than November 1.

New Adult Sunday School: "Why We Do What We Do on Sunday"

Join us this Sunday, October 23 when Rev. Lenzner will begin a new Sunday School Class entitled:  Why We Do What We Do on Sunday.

Have you ever asked yourself why we worship at Christ Reformed Church the way we do? Perhaps you’ve wondered about some of these things: Why does the minister wear a robe and raise his hands?; Why is the service ordered the way it is? What do words like “liturgy,” “invocation,” and “benediction” mean? "Why do we corporately respond during the service and recite ancient creeds?; Why do we read the Bible and pray so much? These are just a few of the questions we often have but may not always feel comfortable asking.  Join us for the next several weeks in the Adult Sunday School Class, at 9:00 a.m., as Rev. Lenzner explains why we do what we do on Sunday and teaches us about all the parts of the worship service.”

Academy Classes Resume: September 30, 2016

Our Friday night Academy class will resume on September 30 at 7:30 p.m.  Come join us for an interesting lecture and lively discussion.  Dr. Riddlebarger will return to our study of Dr. Michael Horton's theology text, The Christian Faith: A Theology for Pilgrims on the Way.  We will pick up where we left off last time with chapter 10 (p. 324) and the doctrine of creation.