Adult Sunday School: January 8, 2017

Sunday, January 8, Rev. Chris Coleman will begin a new class entitled The Gospel in Ecclesiastes. What is the point of life? Why does it so often seem, in this life, that "good people" suffer and "bad people" prosper? Why does my life, sometimes, feel meaningless? These are some of the questions that the author of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes asks and seeks to answer. Please join us at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall as we seek to see the Gospel in Ecclesiastes. NOTE: in preparation for this class, please read through Ecclesiastes beforehand and come prepared with any questions you might have.

A Community Mourns With A Stranger

One of our church members, Diane Reiman was touched by the small community of strangers in Evansville Wyoming who came together to honor her brother Stephen, a Navy Veteran, who had died.  A woman she’d never met, the town coroner (Connie Jacobson) had arranged for the funeral for her brother with Military honors.  Among the mourners were the nurses who had cared for Stephen when he died.

Diane said, “A special place in my heart goes out to those nurses in the ICU who came to this service to tell me they were there for him when he died”.

This funeral drew national attention as hundreds of mourners filled the Oregon Trail State Veterans Cemetery chapel to pay their respects for Stephen and mourn with Diane.  Please see the link for the NBC Nightly News below.

James Onuska - Church Member Update


While it is unusual that we post fundraising requests on our church website we are making an exception for this unusual circumstance.

James Onuska is one of our church members at Christ Reformed church.

Six days ago James Onuska, one of our church members was hit by a car on his way to the bus, suffered a severe head injury and multiple broken bones. James will be having surgery again tomorrow (Thursday) to repair a rib fracture which will help his breathing and again next week to repair some leg injuries. He will be needing special rehab for his memory and just mobility in general. If you are able please donate to James' fund. Please also keep this dear brother in prayer as he faces a long road of recovery.

Ladies' Book Club: November 5, 2016

The next meeting of the Ladies' Book Club will be held on Saturday, November 5. We will begin at 2:00 p.m. with fellowship and refreshments followed by a discussion of Dr. Horton's book Pilgrim Theology, "The Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting, chapter 19".   This will be our last meeting of the year and our final chapter in Pilgrim Theology.  All ladies are invited to attend the book club regardless of how much you’ve been able to read.  If you plan to attend this last meeting of the year you must RSVP by sending a note to the church office ( no later than November 1.